Premier Sign Group offers a broad range of custom and production-run sign products. Please select a product from the menu on the left for a brief description of the various products.

Architectural & ADA Systems
Architectural systems are the most effective interior and exterior sign solution for business office, educational, medical and other facilities where modularity and flexibility are important.
Illuminated or non-illuminated, exterior signage will identify your facility as well as direct traffic to and around the facility. Engineered post and panel systems allow you to design and create your own consistent look by choosing from the various shapes and colors available to complement the architecture of your facility.
Interior signage is used not only to identify personnel, restrooms and other key areas, but it serves as your main source of wayfinding for traffic through your space. You can choose from a variety of product lines that are modular and ADA compliant, each having a look of its own. After choosing a product line, you will get to choose from the various finishes and colors to best complement your interior décor.
Your Premier Sign Group representative can assist you in selecting the best product line, design and finishes while assuring ADA compliance and conformance to local code for your particular project.
Awnings & Canopies
Awnings and canopies make great signs! Integrating various shapes and colors can create an effective way of defining an entrance to a building. Awnings are basically a frame of welded aluminum or steel tubing that is covered with exterior grade fabric. Awnings can be either internally illuminated or non-illuminated depending on the desired effect. Your graphics are incorporated into the fabric creating a durable, long lasting image.

Channel Letters
Channel letters are an ideal way to identify and attract visitors to your business. You can choose from either illuminated, reverse lit or non-illuminated letters. All letters are typically individually formed and, if illuminated, contain neon or L.E.D.’s for illumination and acrylic faces for color.
Your next choice will be the attachment method of the letters to your building or storefront. Channel letters can either be flush-mounted or raceway mounted. This decision depends largely upon the surface, overall look you are seeking and your landlord’s signage criteria. Both physical access and access of electrical power to the area behind where the letters are to be placed is important to consider as well.
Letters that are flush mounted, are attached individually to the building with all electrical pulled through behind the surface from each letter. (ie: pre-cast concrete, block) The other option is to mount the letters to a raceway, or a box channel, whereby the individual letters attach to the channel itself as opposed to the wall surface. (ie: brick, cinder block) All electrical workings are contained within the raceway which is then attached to the mounting surface with minimal penetration to the wall.
Your Premier Sign Group representative can assist you in making the best choices of materials and installation methods for your particular project.
Dimensional Graphics & Lettering
Dimensional graphics can be used as a form of main identification for your building or facility and can be a way to reinforce your business name on an interior application such as a reception area.
Dimensional graphics can be produced in formed plastic, flat cut out metal, corrugated plastics or welded stainless steel or aluminum all at various price points. Various finishes are available depending upon your application. Some of the finer metals will tarnish when exposed to the elements in an exterior application but can be used on interior applications creating a lasting very high quality impression.
Depending on your artwork, budget and application, we can help you select the appropriate materials.

Your main identification sign creates the first visual impression of your facility or place of business. A high quality, easily readable sign with clearly displayed graphics creates a positive first impression and conveys a strong message about your business.
A pylon is ideal for single businesses as well as commercial centers with multi tenants. Pylons are typically a single or double pole structure and contain internally illuminated sign cabinets where messages are displayed. Pylons can range in overall height anywhere from 15′ on a smaller scale to more than 40′ on larger units, but should fall within maximum square footage allowed by your local municipality. The structure itself can be as simple as a radius steel pipe or as intricate as an architecturally designed brick or stone structure. The illuminated sign cabinets can contain as few as one message only or can be designed to hold multiple messages for identifying various businesses within the same center or property.
Monument & Wall Signs
Your main identification sign creates the first visual impression of your facility or place of business. A high quality, easily readable sign with clearly displayed graphics creates a positive first impression and conveys a strong message about your business.
A monument sign is mounted lower to the ground either directly into the ground or set onto a concrete base. Depending upon the angle of placement of the sign, it can be either single sided or double sided.
A wall sign can be projection mounted, surface mounted to your building and therefore can be either single sided or double sided. There are various face materials that are available according to the look you are seeking.
Your Premier Sign Group representative can assist you in making the best choices of materials, design and configurations to meet your needs and conform to local code on your particular project.